ADHD Diagnosis

At the beginning of September, I was officially diagnosed with combined type ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder). This means I am inattentive and hyperactive. I’m not going to go into too much detail about what ADHD is as I’m sure you can find this online in many, many places but more so I want to talk about my own personal experience.

There were lots of things that pushed me to get the official diagnosis. I hadn’t bothered for so long and have just become very good at masking my behaviours, especially the inattentive side. I went through with it mainly for peace of mind to know that I’m not just stupid, annoying and forgetful. My brain just works in a different way to other people. I also think medication may bring me some hope for my impulsive behaviour (if you know me, you’ll know I do and say a lot of stupid things in the spur of the moment that have gotten me into trouble!).

I’ve always known there has been an essence of something different in my brain, but it wasn’t until a friend said to me that they thought I’d already been diagnosed as I was ‘the textbook definition of ADHD’ that I really started to think how the diagnosis would help. Since discussing it more openly with others, many people have agreed.  I thought I would do a few blog posts just covering how it has affected me so far.



ADHD on the Rise


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